
Forum at CBD COP10; River Restoration and Biodiversity Conservation

River Restoration and Biodiversity Conservation

- Time : 10:00-12:00 a.m., Thursday, October 21, 2010

- Venue : Small Hall 2, Nagoya Gakuin University Gymnasium, Nagoya, Japan

(site of Interactive Fair for Biodiversity)

- Organized by Korea Federation for Environmental Movements (KFEM) / Friends of the Earth Korea

󰋯Presentation 1. Four Major Rivers Restoration Project and Its Impacts on Biodiversity Conservation

- Ma Yong-un, Korea Federation for Environmental Movements

󰋯Presentation 2. Wetlands along the Nakdong River in Korea as Important Stopersites for Migratory Cranes

- Simba Chan, Birdlife International Asia

󰋯Presentation 3. Connecting Waterway Project on Kiso River Watershed in Japan

- Masano Atsuko, Writer

󰋯Questions and Answers

※for more information please contact Mr. Ma Yong-un at ma@kfem.or.kr

Korea Federation for Environmental Movements